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An experimental contest format blending elements of F3K and F5J...

F3K: multiple flight tasks, 1.5m glider
F5J: electric launch, scoring of launch altitude

The F5K competition has been put on hold. Instead, the club is now participating in e-F3K with the F3K pilots. F5K planes can still compete in SWSS F3K competitions as e-F3K planes with a slight modification to the Altis device configuration.

See the F3K Interest page for more info: Go There

What is F5K-AZ?
F5K started in the Netherlands and is currently recognized by the FAI with provisional rules in 2021 (see FAI doc. page 33)
. In October 2020, SWSS members started simplifying the existing specification in order to reduce pilot workload and simplify field setup, resulting in an "Arizona" local version of F5K. Our general guiding principles are to simplify/streamline, incorporate favorite F3K/F5J elements, and maintain safety.

What it is NOT
F5K-AZ is not simply F3K with a motor or what some may call e-F3K or e-DLG. This contest format will always distinguish itself from F3K/DLG by including launch height in the scoring...the essence of F5J.
Get Connected

F5K Interest Group Coordinator:
 Randy West

SWSS F5K Interest Group MembersF5K Interest Members

F5K-AZ Rules/Guides: F5K Document Folder

RCG Discussion Groups Regarding F5K
F5K-AZ (public forum for discussing our rules) 
AZ Contests on RCG (look for F5K postings)
F5K... I've got chills....
F5K Motor, Battery, ESC, prop stats
F5K Multitask Electric Thermal Duration
New e-DLG Launching Thread (related discussions)

Get a Plane
  • Fury F5K - ArmSoar: Several of us are flying this model
  • e-Flitz: Several of us are flying this model
  • Vortex 3 F5K: At least one club member is flying this model
  • Yoda: This is a new model that nobody is yet flying in the club
Less Expensive Plane Options...
  • Yellow Jacket 1.5 meter: Corky is flying an electrified version of his Yellow Jacket kit. His website: SonoranLaserArt
  • Buy one off of someone else in the club who is experimenting with different models
Current F5K-AZ Challenges & Adjustments
We are fortunate to have early Gliderscore and Altis support for F5K. However, as in F5J's early days, these tools need refinement to allow the most enjoyment. In addition, we are continually simplifying/streamlining and attempting to safely adopt the favorite features of F3K into the format.

Reading altitudes for multiple flights in a round can be tedious. In some cases, the Altis will skip a reading, requiring us to wait for the next opportunity to catch the reading once all others are shown. Aerobtec (Altis device manufacturer) has been notified of the issues. In the long-term, we may have a greatly simplified method of incorporating launch altitudes in the score, but this is in a very early stage of development.

Launching/Landing Positions
The original F5K incorporates elements of precision landing from F5J, partially as a safety element. There is a great desire, especially among those of us who have F3K experience, to allow roaming of the field for launching and landing. We have been taking baby steps with this, starting with launching and landing markers lined up in a row and then spreading markers in a "matrix" through the field. Recently, in a mixed F3K/F5K plane event, we allowed full F3K-style pilot roaming. What we experienced is the perception that an F5K launch, especially in comparison to a DLG quick-turnaround, may be actually safer than the DLG launch.

Landing Versus Catching Plane
We are investigating ways to catch and relaunch an F5K plane safely. Obviously, it is highly undesirable to accidentally start the motor when catching a plane or preparing it for launch.