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Date: 8/7/2024
Subject: Summer Update
From: Your president

Summer Update

Hello Members I hope that you are keeping occupied and cool during this summer.
As the 2024 Nats fades in the distance we would like to recognize Steven Willcox Jr. for finishing an incredible contest for the Team selects in 2nd Place overall securing him a position on the World Team. Excellent flying and VERY well deserved. He also finished in 5th Place in F3L.
Congratulations also to Randy West for finishing in 7th Place narrowly missing the Team at the F5J Team Selects.
Also we would like to recognize Bobby Burson for finishing in 1st Place in the 2M division and 5th Place in Unlimited.
Great work to all the pilots who attended this year.
We are getting closer to flying season and we want to update you on the plans to prep the field for an incredible year of flying to come with the F5B Worlds being held, the F3K Team Selects, and of course our F5J Two day contest.
First we would like to report that the schoolhouse is nearly completely gone with small remnants that are expected to be gone within weeks.
We have a Field Maintenance worker that is grading, checking the watering system, making sure the gen is ready, as well as squaring off the field and other optical improvements, if you are at the field and see him say Hello, his name is Andrew.
Our target for planting the winter Rye is September 21st which will be locked down as soon as the night time temps get to 55 degrees on a constant basis. We will level the field and prep the field before HydroSeed is sprayed.
This looks to be a Great year for SWSS and the field will shape up sooner than we all know.
Big thank you goes out to Bob Parks for all the effort you have done with the field as well, mowing constantly (when there was grass) and working diligently with the seed company as well as others to ensure an immaculate field.
If your building something or have purchased a new glider feel free to post it in the build section in Slack.
We will see everyone very soon